Berikut daftar undangan VIP dalam AMMTC ke-17 yang akan digelar di NTT:

20/08/2023 10:09:00 WIB 1.638      Nusa Tenggara Timur,  AMMTC ke-17 akan diikuti oleh 10 menteri negara ASEAN beserta anggota delegasinya; delegasi dari tiga mitra dialog yaitu China, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan; Timor Leste sebagai observer; Chairman Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (DGICM); dan Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN. Total peserta kegiatan ini mencapai 275 orang.

Berikut daftar undangan VIP dalam AMMTC ke-17 yang akan digelar di NTT:

1. H.E. Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Retired) Dato Paduka Seri Halbi Yussof, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Minister of Defence II and Chairman of the National Security Committee of Brunei Darussalam

2. H.E. Santi Bandit Sok Phal, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior of Cambodia

3. H.E. General Vilay Lakhamphong, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security, The Ministry of Public Security of Lao PDR

4. H.E. Datuk Seri Dr. Shamsul Anuar Bin Nasarah, Deputy Minister of Malaysia

5. H.E. Lieutenant General Yar Pyae Union Minister, Ministry of Home Affair of Myanmar

6. H.E. USEC Oscar Fader Valenzuela, Under Secretary for Peace and Order, Department of the Interior and Local Government of Philippines;

7. H.E. A/P Muhammad Faishal bin Ibrahim Khan Surattee, Minister of State (Home Affairs), Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore;

8. H.E. Pol.Gen. Roy Inkapairoj, Deputy Commisioner General of Royal Thai Police;

9. H.E. Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam;

10. H.E. Police Chief Inspector Adelaide da Rosa, General Director, Migration Service of Timor Leste;

11. H.E. Robert Matheus Michael Tene, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Political Security Community;

12. Pol. Maj. Gen. Choochat Thareecat, Asean Director's General of Immigration Departments and
Heads of Consular Affair's Divisions;

13. Ny. Juliati Sigit Prabowo, Ibu Ketum Bhayangkari;

14. Datin Seri Hamisah Binti Husein, Spouse Ketua AMMTC;

15. Puan Sri Zainah Binti Othman, Spouse Kepala Kepolisian Malaysia.

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